
Total: 0,00 €


By Test Jens, 04/09/2019 - 13:22

On Friday, April 12, 2019 we started the BLUMENBUNT fundraising campaign 2019: "We crochet and knit 150 dolls + 150 teddy bears and sponsor the dairy cow »Betty Blumenbunt« for RRAChild in Namaganda/Uganda.

The 150 dolls and 150 teddy bears that we will crochet and knit for the schoolchildren of the "Visionary Learning Centers" (VLC) in Uganda will be made according to the three new instructions EDDY, TRACY and HABIBA.
All the donation dolls and bears that we will receive by 31 October 2019 will be sent to the organisation in Uganda.

From the donation share from the sale of the manuals as well as from further donations we will fulfill a Christmas wish for the founder of the "Visionary Learning Center", Eddy Kaliisa: Eddy wanted a dairy cow for his school, which will contribute to the nutrition of the currently 300 schoolchildren.

But you can also buy the manual without taking part in the campaign with a doll or a teddy bear - by buying the manual you have already made a financial contribution. If you would like to contribute to the financing of the dairy cow "Betty Blumenbunt" independently of the purchase of the donation instructions, please contact us in advance.

The instructions for this donation campaign EDDY, TRACY and HABIBA are constantly supplemented by additional instructions for matching clothing and hairstyles, which are usually available free of charge here in the BLUMENBUNT shop and in the Facebook group »BLUMENBUNT Puppen und andere Handarbeiten«.

Here you can find the conditions of participation, which you can read in advance if you want to take part in the fundraising campaign.

BLUMENBUNT Spendenaktion 2019 - Teilnahmebedingungen



By Maximuskro on
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By Maximusptt on
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By Fasadbix on
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By Maximusuel on
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By Maximusbsr on
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By Maximuskro on
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By Maximusptt on
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By Maximusuel on
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By Maximusoec on
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By Maximusbsr on
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By Maximuskro on
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By Maximusptt on
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By Maximusoec on
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By MichaelDorer on
Sunday saw the first immunizations administered to residents of senior homes, but Health Minister Salvador Illa called on the population ‘not to let its guard down’ Guadalajara / A Coruna - 28 Dec 2020 - 08:11 CET After nearly 10 months of pandemic in Spain, the first doses of the Covid-19 vaccine developed by the Pfizer and BioNTech laboratories have begun to be administered to the sector of the population most at risk: seniors who live in homes and their carers. An injection on Sunday morning in the arm of Araceli Hidalgo, 96, started the process at Los Olmos residence in Guadalajara. Then came Josefa in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Antonio in Granada, Nieves in Santiago and thousands more. The first batch of vaccines, some 9,750 doses, arrived on Sunday in all of Spain’s regions, and over the coming 12 weeks a total of 4.6 million doses will be delivered, serving to immunize nearly 2.3 million people. But the light at the end of the tunnel is, for now, still a faraway glimmer, and on Sunday Spain’s Health Minister Salvador Illa called on Spaniards not to “let down their guard.” The coronavirus is continuing to spread through the population and a third wave threatens to marr the celebrations over the arrival of a vaccine. “We are looking at the beginning of the end, but there are months still ahead of us and they won’t be simple,” Illa warned yesterday. The government will be distributing 350,000 doses a week among the country’s regions, which are in charge of their own healthcare systems. The Pfizer vaccine, which is reported to be 95% effective, requires a second dose 21 days after the first, and the recipient will not be immunized until 28 days after the first injection. The immunization program is free and voluntary. The government’s medium-term plan is for a number of different vaccines to be used at the same time. As well as the Pfizer and BioNTech injections, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is due to give approval or otherwise to the Moderna coronavirus vaccine on January 6 – all evidence points to it passing their requirements. Illa pointed out on Sunday that there are other vaccines – including the Astrazeneca-Oxford and the Janssen vaccine – that are being reviewed by the EMA. Apart from residents and employees at senior residences, health workers and adult dependents, who will be vaccinated in the first phase, the government is yet to confirm the order in which the immunization will continue, nor the logistical process to do so. The executive has so far merely confirmed that between May and June it will have vaccinated between 15 and 20 million Spaniards. It will take time, however, to reach the objective set out by the government of vaccinating the entire population. This is partly because the vaccines will be arriving in small quantities, in particular to start with, and the situation will be complicated in the meantime given that the pandemic is not letting up and new infections are spiking once more. In Spain, the 14-day cumulative number of coronavirus cases per 100,000 inhabitants has once again risen above the 250-mark considered to be extreme risk by the Health Ministry, and is now at 266. What’s more, the pressure on Spain’s hospitals remains high, with 10,744 Covid-19 patients, and more than 1,900 people in the country’s intensive care units (ICUs). This is keeping up the stress on a system that is already exhausted. “The data is worrying,” said Illa on Sunday. “There is a change in trend that was seen last week. We have had five weeks of falls and then this interruption due to the relaxation of measures at the start of December,” he explained, in reference to the coronavirus measures that have been toughened and relaxed in recent months depending on the epidemiological situation. Experts are already counting on another, more aggressive, spike in infections after Christmas due to the increase in social interaction. “The trend in cases is not uncontrollably rising, but it isn’t falling,” explained Toni Trilla, head of Preventive Medicine at the Clinic Hospital in Barcelona. “If it rises very quickly and gets out of control, it will be tough.” A spike, in fact, could have an effect on the vaccination campaign. “We are used to vaccinating in the middle of an expansive wave, as we do with the flu. But the campaign will be complicated because anyone who is suffering from the illness will have to wait to be vaccinated.” Health authorities and experts are pointing out that protection measures such as the use of face masks and social distancing must remain in place for some time. The much-sought herd immunity, which would protect the population by making the circulation of the virus difficult, is still far off. “Right now we would have to reach immunity among 70 or 80% of the people, between those who have been vaccinated and those who have overcome the disease, before we have group immunity,” Trilla explained. “The message is clear: not even with a vaccine are we going to be 100% protected and we have to continue to be prudent. The protection measures cannot be lifted until the circulation of the virus has been greatly limited.” And that is yet to happen. In fact, on the basis of the rise in cases, the Balearic Islands will be ramping up social restrictions in Mallorca, which has a cumulative incidence of 607 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Catalonia is currently in a similar situation, and will be deciding today whether to further restrict mobility in the region. Medios de potencia <a href=https://cialiscomprar.com/city/malaga>comprar viagra en malaga</a> envio gratis en Espana.
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By HowardTox on
Over the past week, the ether rate has grown by 45%, bitcoin - by almost 20%. Experts answered one of the main questions of traders and investors - what to do with assets now, will they continue to rise in price or will a correction begin On the night of Tuesday, January 5, the cost of bitcoin on the Binance crypto exchange exceeded $ 32.8 thousand, now it is $ 31.2 thousand.Over the past day, the cryptocurrency has risen in price by 6%, over the week - by almost 20%. On January 3, the price of the coin renewed its historical maximum of $ 34.7 thousand. At the same time, on the morning of January 4, the rate of the largest altcoin in terms of capitalization, Ethereum, reached $ 1.1 thousand for the first time since February 2018.The breakdown of the psychological resistance level of $ 1,000 could pave the way for the cryptocurrency to a historical maximum of $ 1.4 thousand, the director of development warned EXMO exchange Maria Stankevich. However, according to her, a decline in the rate to $ 1,000 and below in the near future may provoke a further drop to $ 838. Regarding bitcoin, Stankevich stressed that she does not expect a strong correction. Firstly, large crypto investors do not sell their coins, but, on the contrary, take liquidity from the exchanges, which has a positive effect on the rate. Secondly, despite the rather strong information noise around bitcoin, the number of daily new BTC addresses has not yet reached the level of 2017. And this means that the growth of bitcoin is largely organic, and not viral, the expert explained. Thirdly, the boom in open purchases of bitcoin by institutions has pushed the rate up quite strongly, but in addition to large funds, government agencies have begun to create reserves in bitcoin. Currency.com financial analyst Mikhail Karkhalev added that he does not yet see sufficient pressure from bitcoin sellers to start a rate correction. Even when it dropped to $ 27.7 thousand, from $ 28 thousand to $ 30 thousand, bitcoin was actively redeemed, providing him with support. “In my opinion, only if the price breaks down $ 30 thousand again, BTC will go for a deeper correction, perhaps even to $ 24 thousand. However, even in this case, there will be an excellent opportunity to buy bitcoin for $ 24 thousand. It makes sense to sell now I do not see. The same goes for ether. If it falls below $ 975, the road will open for a deeper correction around $ 750. But as in the case of BTC, this will be an excellent opportunity to buy ETH cheaply, ”Karkhalev said. According to him, in order for Ethereum to update its historical maximum in the coming days, it needs to rise above the local peak of $ 1.1 thousand. This situation is real, given the dynamics of growth in recent days, the analyst said. He added that he expected to see the current marks no earlier than in March, perhaps even April. “There is really a lot on the crypto market today,” the expert noted. Earlier, JPMorgan strategists predicted that in the long term the price of bitcoin could exceed $ 146 thousand. They warned that speculative mania could not be ruled out, which in the near future could push the rate of the first cryptocurrency at $ 50-100 thousand. However, such price levels will turn out to be unstable. Buy crypto on <a href=https://top-cryptoexchange.blogspot.com/>Cryptocurrency Exchange</a> fast and easy with your credit card.
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2021 Year of the Bull, what awaits us this year According to Slavic legends, the sacred golden-horned Bull-Tour is a powerful creative force of the universe, a carrier of fertility, a symbol of courage and bravery. And in Ukrainian culture there is a stable expression "well, tell me a story about a white Bull" - this means a long, tedious, repetitive story that is full of inventions and nonsense. https://shandratuten.blogspot.com/2021/01/dakar-2021-rally-rally-dakar-2021-pura.html - https://i.ibb.co/nsqBZn5/1.jpg In Buddhism and Taoism, common religions in China, the Bullrepresents the ego. Moving on a Bullon horseback means humility of this part of the human soul. The Bullis the second (after the rat) animal of the Chinese horoscope. Although, according to legend, it was the Bullthat first crossed the river on the way to the Buddha. But unable to refuse, he put a rat on his back, which would have drowned for sure. After the crossing, the rat quickly appeared first in front of the Buddha and was awarded the right to be the first to open the annual cycles for his ingenuity. Description and characteristics of the Year of the Bull The awarding of the first Nobel Prize in 1901, the tercentenary of the House of Romanov in 1913, the peak of political repression in the USSR in 1937, the flight of the first man into space in 1961, the release of the first version of the Windows operating system in 1985 — all these events are united by the fact that they occurred in the Year of the Bull. https://shandratuten.blogspot.com/2021/01/dakar-2021-rally-rally-dakar-2021-pura.html - https://i.ibb.co/c6CNDTw/2.png What else do you remember about the years under the patronage of the Bull: The "swine flu" epidemic (2009) Ratification of the EU Constitution (Lisbon Treaty) (2009) Mike Tyson started his career in professional boxing (1985) The beginning of the anti-alcohol campaign in the USSR (1985) The death of the British Princess Diana (1997) (she was born, by the way, in the year of the Bull). The White Metal Bullis characterized by steel nerves and an iron character. Great willpower and restraint. A year endowed with such an element happens once in 60 years! Usually, changes in the year of the Bullare more local in nature, since for the Bullits meadows are always closer to the body. As Ernest Hemingway said: "The Bullin the arena is neurotic, but in the meadow he's a healthy guy, that's the thing." Therefore, resonant large-scale events that shake the world are of little interest to this pet. What will be the year of the Bull-2021 The Bullis a noble animal. Strong-willed, decisive and wise actions should be expected from him. In addition, the white color of the Bullalso sets up a bright period in life. According to Chinese astrology, the White Metal Bullwill definitely thank every optimist who will see only good things in everything that happens. The best British astrologer Jessica Adams last year was almost the only one who predicted a pandemic and a global crisis. Therefore, the publication of Gmail turned to her for forecasts for 2021. Adams says that events will begin to unfold a few days before the onset of 2021: "It will be a fantastic Christmas (Catholic). The situation will start to change about three days before Christmas Eve." According to the astrologer, the current situation in the world resembles that during the Second World War, but without the war itself. The whole world is caught up in one common problem that needs to be solved. Now this cycle has just begun and will last until the end of 2026. As for the coronavirus itself, the answer is very simple: "There will be no vaccine, we will all just learn to live with it as with AIDS." How to celebrate the Year of the Bull-2021 This year's host loves simplicity and thrift. The element of the metal Bullis the earth. Accordingly, in the clothing, interior and decoration of the room in order to satisfy the tastes of the Bull, it is necessary to use such shades as: white, brown, shades with a metallic or silvery effect. And in any case, do not tease the Bullwith red! https://shandratuten.blogspot.com/2021/01/dakar-2021-rally-rally-dakar-2021-pura.html - https://i.ibb.co/nDVSfSv/3.jpg Also avoid the beef dishes. The best dishes will be simple, peasant food and lots of greens. White Bullloves everything solid, so he is unlikely to understand various trinkets or souvenirs. Metal Bulllikes practical and really necessary gifts. And it is definitely not necessary to give leather products, as the Bullwill definitely be against gifts made from the skin of his fellow men. Who of the celebrities was born in the year of the Bull Those who were born in the year of the Bull, in their lives are modest and executive, they are patient and laconic people, they are persistent in achieving goals and hardy at work. https://shandratuten.blogspot.com/2021/01/dakar-2021-rally-rally-dakar-2021-pura.html - https://i.ibb.co/TvgYqHN/4.jpg People who were born in the year of the Bullare unusual and talented. Among them there are outstanding writers-Hans Christian Andersen, artists-Vincent Van Gogh, musicians-Johann Sebastian Bach, famous actors-Charlie Chaplin, Dustin Hoffman, Eddie Murphy, Paul Newman. Many extraordinary political leaders were born in the Year of the Bull: Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Japanese Emperor Hirohito, Margaret Thatcher. Source: https://shandratuten.blogspot.com/2021/01/dakar-2021-rally-rally-dakar-2021-pura.html - 2021 Year of the Bull https://www.radio-voice.com/profile.php?lookup=523
By Arthurperty on
2021 Year of the Bull, what awaits us this year According to Slavic legends, the sacred golden-horned Bull-Tour is a powerful creative force of the universe, a carrier of fertility, a symbol of courage and bravery. And in Ukrainian culture there is a stable expression "well, tell me a story about a white Bull" - this means a long, tedious, repetitive story that is full of inventions and nonsense. https://nicholketchum.blogspot.com/2021/01/dakar-race-2021-motorsport-dakar-rally.html - https://i.ibb.co/nsqBZn5/1.jpg In Buddhism and Taoism, common religions in China, the Bullrepresents the ego. Moving on a Bullon horseback means humility of this part of the human soul. The Bullis the second (after the rat) animal of the Chinese horoscope. Although, according to legend, it was the Bullthat first crossed the river on the way to the Buddha. But unable to refuse, he put a rat on his back, which would have drowned for sure. After the crossing, the rat quickly appeared first in front of the Buddha and was awarded the right to be the first to open the annual cycles for his ingenuity. Description and characteristics of the Year of the Bull The awarding of the first Nobel Prize in 1901, the tercentenary of the House of Romanov in 1913, the peak of political repression in the USSR in 1937, the flight of the first man into space in 1961, the release of the first version of the Windows operating system in 1985 — all these events are united by the fact that they occurred in the Year of the Bull. https://nicholketchum.blogspot.com/2021/01/dakar-race-2021-motorsport-dakar-rally.html - https://i.ibb.co/c6CNDTw/2.png What else do you remember about the years under the patronage of the Bull: The "swine flu" epidemic (2009) Ratification of the EU Constitution (Lisbon Treaty) (2009) Mike Tyson started his career in professional boxing (1985) The beginning of the anti-alcohol campaign in the USSR (1985) The death of the British Princess Diana (1997) (she was born, by the way, in the year of the Bull). The White Metal Bullis characterized by steel nerves and an iron character. Great willpower and restraint. A year endowed with such an element happens once in 60 years! Usually, changes in the year of the Bullare more local in nature, since for the Bullits meadows are always closer to the body. As Ernest Hemingway said: "The Bullin the arena is neurotic, but in the meadow he's a healthy guy, that's the thing." Therefore, resonant large-scale events that shake the world are of little interest to this pet. What will be the year of the Bull-2021 The Bullis a noble animal. Strong-willed, decisive and wise actions should be expected from him. In addition, the white color of the Bullalso sets up a bright period in life. According to Chinese astrology, the White Metal Bullwill definitely thank every optimist who will see only good things in everything that happens. The best British astrologer Jessica Adams last year was almost the only one who predicted a pandemic and a global crisis. Therefore, the publication of Gmail turned to her for forecasts for 2021. Adams says that events will begin to unfold a few days before the onset of 2021: "It will be a fantastic Christmas (Catholic). The situation will start to change about three days before Christmas Eve." According to the astrologer, the current situation in the world resembles that during the Second World War, but without the war itself. The whole world is caught up in one common problem that needs to be solved. Now this cycle has just begun and will last until the end of 2026. As for the coronavirus itself, the answer is very simple: "There will be no vaccine, we will all just learn to live with it as with AIDS." How to celebrate the Year of the Bull-2021 This year's host loves simplicity and thrift. The element of the metal Bullis the earth. Accordingly, in the clothing, interior and decoration of the room in order to satisfy the tastes of the Bull, it is necessary to use such shades as: white, brown, shades with a metallic or silvery effect. And in any case, do not tease the Bullwith red! https://nicholketchum.blogspot.com/2021/01/dakar-race-2021-motorsport-dakar-rally.html - https://i.ibb.co/nDVSfSv/3.jpg Also avoid the beef dishes. The best dishes will be simple, peasant food and lots of greens. White Bullloves everything solid, so he is unlikely to understand various trinkets or souvenirs. Metal Bulllikes practical and really necessary gifts. And it is definitely not necessary to give leather products, as the Bullwill definitely be against gifts made from the skin of his fellow men. Who of the celebrities was born in the year of the Bull Those who were born in the year of the Bull, in their lives are modest and executive, they are patient and laconic people, they are persistent in achieving goals and hardy at work. https://nicholketchum.blogspot.com/2021/01/dakar-race-2021-motorsport-dakar-rally.html - https://i.ibb.co/TvgYqHN/4.jpg People who were born in the year of the Bullare unusual and talented. Among them there are outstanding writers-Hans Christian Andersen, artists-Vincent Van Gogh, musicians-Johann Sebastian Bach, famous actors-Charlie Chaplin, Dustin Hoffman, Eddie Murphy, Paul Newman. Many extraordinary political leaders were born in the Year of the Bull: Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Japanese Emperor Hirohito, Margaret Thatcher. Source: https://nicholketchum.blogspot.com/2021/01/dakar-race-2021-motorsport-dakar-rally.html - 2021 Year of the Bull https://www.radio-voice.com/profile.php?lookup=523
By Arthurperty on
2021 Year of the Bull, what awaits us this year According to Slavic legends, the sacred golden-horned Bull-Tour is a powerful creative force of the universe, a carrier of fertility, a symbol of courage and bravery. And in Ukrainian culture there is a stable expression "well, tell me a story about a white Bull" - this means a long, tedious, repetitive story that is full of inventions and nonsense. https://julidimatteo.blogspot.com/2020/12/2021-2021-2021.html - https://i.ibb.co/nsqBZn5/1.jpg In Buddhism and Taoism, common religions in China, the Bullrepresents the ego. Moving on a Bullon horseback means humility of this part of the human soul. The Bullis the second (after the rat) animal of the Chinese horoscope. Although, according to legend, it was the Bullthat first crossed the river on the way to the Buddha. But unable to refuse, he put a rat on his back, which would have drowned for sure. After the crossing, the rat quickly appeared first in front of the Buddha and was awarded the right to be the first to open the annual cycles for his ingenuity. Description and characteristics of the Year of the Bull The awarding of the first Nobel Prize in 1901, the tercentenary of the House of Romanov in 1913, the peak of political repression in the USSR in 1937, the flight of the first man into space in 1961, the release of the first version of the Windows operating system in 1985 — all these events are united by the fact that they occurred in the Year of the Bull. https://julidimatteo.blogspot.com/2020/12/2021-2021-2021.html - https://i.ibb.co/c6CNDTw/2.png What else do you remember about the years under the patronage of the Bull: The "swine flu" epidemic (2009) Ratification of the EU Constitution (Lisbon Treaty) (2009) Mike Tyson started his career in professional boxing (1985) The beginning of the anti-alcohol campaign in the USSR (1985) The death of the British Princess Diana (1997) (she was born, by the way, in the year of the Bull). The White Metal Bullis characterized by steel nerves and an iron character. Great willpower and restraint. A year endowed with such an element happens once in 60 years! Usually, changes in the year of the Bullare more local in nature, since for the Bullits meadows are always closer to the body. As Ernest Hemingway said: "The Bullin the arena is neurotic, but in the meadow he's a healthy guy, that's the thing." Therefore, resonant large-scale events that shake the world are of little interest to this pet. What will be the year of the Bull-2021 The Bullis a noble animal. Strong-willed, decisive and wise actions should be expected from him. In addition, the white color of the Bullalso sets up a bright period in life. According to Chinese astrology, the White Metal Bullwill definitely thank every optimist who will see only good things in everything that happens. The best British astrologer Jessica Adams last year was almost the only one who predicted a pandemic and a global crisis. Therefore, the publication of Gmail turned to her for forecasts for 2021. Adams says that events will begin to unfold a few days before the onset of 2021: "It will be a fantastic Christmas (Catholic). The situation will start to change about three days before Christmas Eve." According to the astrologer, the current situation in the world resembles that during the Second World War, but without the war itself. The whole world is caught up in one common problem that needs to be solved. Now this cycle has just begun and will last until the end of 2026. As for the coronavirus itself, the answer is very simple: "There will be no vaccine, we will all just learn to live with it as with AIDS." How to celebrate the Year of the Bull-2021 This year's host loves simplicity and thrift. The element of the metal Bullis the earth. Accordingly, in the clothing, interior and decoration of the room in order to satisfy the tastes of the Bull, it is necessary to use such shades as: white, brown, shades with a metallic or silvery effect. And in any case, do not tease the Bullwith red! https://julidimatteo.blogspot.com/2020/12/2021-2021-2021.html - https://i.ibb.co/nDVSfSv/3.jpg Also avoid the beef dishes. The best dishes will be simple, peasant food and lots of greens. White Bullloves everything solid, so he is unlikely to understand various trinkets or souvenirs. Metal Bulllikes practical and really necessary gifts. And it is definitely not necessary to give leather products, as the Bullwill definitely be against gifts made from the skin of his fellow men. Who of the celebrities was born in the year of the Bull Those who were born in the year of the Bull, in their lives are modest and executive, they are patient and laconic people, they are persistent in achieving goals and hardy at work. https://julidimatteo.blogspot.com/2020/12/2021-2021-2021.html - https://i.ibb.co/TvgYqHN/4.jpg People who were born in the year of the Bullare unusual and talented. Among them there are outstanding writers-Hans Christian Andersen, artists-Vincent Van Gogh, musicians-Johann Sebastian Bach, famous actors-Charlie Chaplin, Dustin Hoffman, Eddie Murphy, Paul Newman. Many extraordinary political leaders were born in the Year of the Bull: Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Japanese Emperor Hirohito, Margaret Thatcher. Source: https://julidimatteo.blogspot.com/2020/12/2021-2021-2021.html - 2021 Year of the Bull https://www.radio-voice.com/profile.php?lookup=523
By Arthurperty on
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