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Uganda-Bericht 2019

By Test Jens, 04/17/2020 - 19:39

Uganda-Report 2019 – one day in the Visionary Learning Center

Uganda-Bericht 2019 – Ein Tag im Visionary Learning Center

Namaganda, 18. 11. 2019 (Deutsch) Today we have nothing special planned and can recover a little from the efforts of the last days. The Nile waterfalls and especially Kagulu Rock have left clear traces in our bones. A good opportunity to introduce the school grounds in more detail.

By Test Jens, 11/17/2019 - 12:53

Uganda-Report 2019 – Kagulu Rock

Uganda-Bericht 2019 – Kagulu Rock

Namaganda, 17. 11. 2019 (Deutsch) In the meantime we have got used to our rustic dwelling. Thanks to the mosquito net in the frame the door can stay open all the time, even during the day. That helps in any case. No more thoughts of escaping to the hotel in Kamuli. Also our godchild Habiba slowly thaws out. Today she brings us corn again as a small thank you for all the presents - what a nice gesture from the family.

Also today we make an excursion. In August this year Eddy organized a big bus and went to Kagulu Rock with all the children of the school. A great thing for the children, many of whom have never even been to Kamuli, which is only 15 km away. When I saw the pictures of the tour, I immediately thought "that's where I want to go!"

By Test Jens, 11/16/2019 - 15:06

Uganda-Report 2019 – Excursion to the White Nile

Uganda-Bericht 2019 – Ausflug zum Weißen Nil

Namaganda, 16. 11. 2019 (Deutsch)

Ina had an encounter with wild animals last night. Well, a wild animal. Specifically, a frog hopped into her hut and was very difficult to convince to leave the scene. For breakfast today we have white bread in addition to potatoes and spaghetti. Raphaela immediately fetches another glass of honey and adds to the breakfast buffet. As a result, white bread with honey becomes a popular combination with the children and teachers who eat with us. We feel as if we have been here for a week, and it is only our third day in Uganda.

Today a trip to the Nil is planned. In Jinja at Lake Victoria, Uganda's second largest city, the White Nile rises and flows roughly 100 km north, then turns west in Lake Kyoto towards Lake Albert. Kamuli lies about 15 km as the crow flies east of the Nile. The section called Victoria Nile here is a hotspot for water sports. Whitewater rafting is popular there, and although we don't want to take part in it, the rapids required for it promise an impressive sight. So much for the plan.

By Test Jens, 11/14/2019 - 07:56

Uganda-Report 2019 – Road to Namaganda

Uganda-Report 2019 – Road to Namaganda

Entebbe, 14. 11. 2019 (Deutsch) Here we are. Three fresh Muzungus (people of European descent, literally translated it means "someone who wanders aimlessly around", the word Muzungu can be meant in a loving or insulting way) with bulging breast-bags - we had just pulled a million Ugandan Shillings out of the vending machine - and our mountain of luggage is also quite tidy. The people around us earn maybe one or two euros a day. We do not feel really comfortable ...

By Test Jens, 11/13/2019 - 14:02

Uganda-Report 2019 – Welcome dear visitors

Uganda-Bericht 2019 – Welcome dear visitors

Blumenbunt Ugandabericht – angekommen Visonary Learning CentreNamaganda, 14. 11. 2019 (Deutsch) It is still our first day in Uganda. We have been awake for about 30 hours without interruption, and the impressions are still coming back to us. After the turnoff from the main road the path becomes very narrow and bad. To the right and left of the path we see small houses and huts from time to time. A cow grazes at the roadside. The small huts actually look like they were drawn in my ancient children's book, with mud walls and pointed thatched roofs. For me it is a bit like travelling back to a story from my childhood.

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